Dancing Queen

Dancing Queen
"all she wants to do is dance..."

Friday, July 07, 2006

Hello Everyone,
For today's excitement, Mommy and I are waiting for the "Honey Wagon", that's the Septic Tank Cleaner for you city folks. I get to stay inside the house and watch from the window, but poor Mommy has to go out and talk to them and pay them. She usually has to pull her shirt over her nose because the smell is so bad. One of the guys that always comes is really sweet on Mommy too. I'm glad I don't have to go out there. Mommy says it's an awful job, thank God someone is willing to do it. She also says that's why you have to do well in school so you don't end up with a job like that. I'm sold !!
They have two funny signs on their big truck, "You dump, We pump" and the other one says "Call us for a Royal Flush". I guess you need a sense of humor with their job.
P.S. It turns out that Daddy is allergic to Tandoori chicken

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