Dancing Queen

Dancing Queen
"all she wants to do is dance..."

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Today Mommy and I went to visit nagymama and nagypapa, that's grandma and grandpa in Hungarian. Anyway, we brought them some flowers and walked around in the cemetary for a little while. It was a nice day, not too warm. I like going there, there are lots of nice flowers to see.
Then we came home and I helped Mommy fold some laundry and sort some socks and then I did a little bit of colouring. Now we're waiting for Daddy to come home from work. Mommy made Tandoori chicken with couscous and green beans for dinner.
Oh and I also got a box full of new summer clothes today in the mail from Auntie Dulce and Uncle Paul. Everything is so pretty, Auntie Dulce always knows what kind of clothes I would like. I'm such a lucky kid.

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